over-head projectors, celluloid films, acrylic, notebook, printed documents, paperclips, leather folder, framed printed map, labels
dimensions variable
The title <Gevær> states "rifle gun" in Norwegian, indicates a mysterious folklore in frozen Svalbard in 1922, there an unfired gun ended up killing four people. This artwork is constituted of two separated texts: an article on “Svalbard Post” in 1993 by researcher Tore Sørensen, and the 15-day logbook/journal by artist based on the journey of “The Arctic Circle” expedition in late 2017.
Throughout the translation between Chinese, English and Norwegian, as well as handwritings, doodling and historical images, artist tries to pursue the truth within the collage of overlapped fragments of date and information, or a so-called trajectory of fate from those keywords, locations, incidents and characters presumably corresponding with each other, which became eventually an ambiguous, but harsh, freezing panorama out of those romantic imagination of the arctic landscape.
標題《Gevær》來自挪威文的「來福槍」,由1993年研究員Tore Sørensen刊載於《斯瓦爾巴郵報》的文章、及2017年藝術家參與『北極圈計劃』期間親自撰寫的15天航海日誌兩件文本為主體,在中文、英文與挪威文,個人手跡與歷史圖錄間,試圖追溯與重構出斯瓦爾巴冰天雪地中的一段神秘稗官野史:關於1922年,一把來福槍最終未發一彈、卻殺死四個人的事件。
* This artwork won first prize of the 2019 Kaohsiung Awards.
* 本作品榮獲2019高雄獎首獎。
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