archive installation: OHPs, videos, documents, cyanotype on cotton, fishnet, readymades, printer paper & adhesive
single channel HD video 9:28, paper mural appr. 800 x 400 cm, installation dimensions variable
<Father’s Shipyard, My Ship> is a site-specific, interdisciplinary art project, in which artist started a dialogue, long time after his father’s retirement from Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau (currently Port of Kaohsiung, TIPC), focusing on shipbuilding knowledges and history of Port of Kaohsiung as a form of heritage.
Starting with a model cruise ship made by father during artist’s childhood, which was realized as a metaphor of either Port of Kaohsiung or the harbor city Kaohsiung itself. This interdisciplinary project, based on interviews, studies, field researches, events of artivism and exhibition, aims to trace back to the nearly-forgotten, brilliant history of port of Kaohsiung in the past decades, ease the perishing generation’s sense of loss witnessing downfall of the port as well as their hometown, a once-prosperous city becoming a “Rust Belt”, and also the conflicts between generations, at the end, to reconstruct a common understanding and local identity among interviewees, participants and audience.
計畫開端為父親於藝術家童年製作的遊輪模型,被後者認知為隱喻這個港口與港都高雄本身的象徵;透過訪談與文獻、田野調查、藝術行動與展演事件串連的跨領域計畫,著眼於回溯那段逐漸被淡忘的、半世紀以來的光輝高雄港史,淡化如今凋零世代面對故鄉從繁盛走向衰落『鏽帶(Rust Belt)』的失落感,企圖攤開世代間的價值衝突、最終訴求重新連結並喚起受訪者、計劃參與者與觀眾等的地方認同。
* This project was supported by The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung.
* 本計劃由高雄駁二藝術特區協助執行。
EXPOSED WAVES: a workshop
EXHIBITIONS in Busan & Jeonju, South Korea
* The exhibition Re:______ (2018) in F1963, Busan, South Korea was invited and supported by Busan Cultural Foundation.
* 韓國釜山F1963之展覽「Re:______」(2018)獲釜山文化基金會之邀請與協力執行。
* The exhibition Visible Memory of Technology and the presentation in ICHSEA (2019), JBNU, Jeonju, South Korea was invited and supported by ICHSEA committee.
* 韓國全州全北大學之展覽「Visible Memory of Technology」與於「ICHSEA」之發表(2019)獲ICHSEA委員會之邀請與協力執行。
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